Dec 13

6 Underground 2019



1 = billionaire, public-spirited.

2 = A spy.

3 = An assassin.

4 = parkour (parkour(r) player, thief.

5 = A female national.

6 = a driver

7 = A fourth-generation soldier, a sniper.

6 An unnamed person begins the story on which the film is based. The leader of the country called Tergistan, which has been ruling the Middle East for four years, is brutally massacred. People who leave the country and live in camps as refugees who do not like the rule of a person are killed by chemical weapons attacks. People living even in secret camps are victims of these genocidal attacks. Anonymous stories have been waiting for this event for four years


During his lifetime, he created a type of magnet called neodymium. He even gets its patent. A billionaire because of this product, he used to help people. But he has a great concern about the inhumane acts that are happening to people all over the world. Even if they try to act for this, no country will intervene in the injustices happening in this country due to factors such as economic and power struggles in geopolitics. But the thought that initiated your death was to do justice to such countries with your power. He who dies does not lose his life. He deceives the world about his death to do good for the world as a ghost. He is joined by five others who share his vision. These 6 people are starting the operation to give power to the younger brother of the current president, Hitesi, a democratic power in Turkestan. So how can there be a 7th person in a team of 6? So let’s end the article by inviting you to enjoy the whole story with those things. So I bid you farewell, inviting you to enjoy the full story that includes those things

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